Work at Pontycymer Lake

The removal of the pond weed and cutting of the reeds is now complete at Pontycymer Lake.  Some of the debris from the reed cutting is still visible on the surface of the lake, but this will clear in time.    The cut reeds have been stacked along the lakeside in order for them to […]

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Maintenance Works Continues in Parc Calon Lan

Various maintenance works have taken place in recent weeks in Parc Calon Lan, some smaller works and some larger works including the repair of 3 bridges.  One of the smaller works is a new drainage channel has been constructed outside the Visitor Centre and some larger work is currently underway to replace some of the […]

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Bridge Repairs Parc Calon Lan

Work has recently been completed to 3 of the bridges in Parc Calon Lan which now have anti-slip treads; they are all looking great.

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Co-option Llangeinor Ward

A by-election has not been requested for the councillor vacancy in the Llangeinor Ward so the vacancy will now be filled through the process of co-option.  The details of how to apply can be found here

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Notice of Vacancy – Llangeinor Ward

A vacancy has occurred in the Llangeinor Ward, please see the Notice of Vacancy  here

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Christmas Lights and Trees

All our wards now have their Christmas lights and trees up and they should all be lit within the next few days. This year the Community Council has provided even more.   We’ve constructed a new pit to hold an even bigger 20ft tree in Bettws which is located between the two schools, two trees and […]

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Garw Valley Rocks!

Sienna Edwards wrote to the Community Council to let us know about the fundraising she’d been doing during the first COVID lockdown.  She asked if the council would make a donation towards the funds she had raised and if there was a place in Parc Calon Lan that would be suitable to put a tribute […]

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Annual Meeting Elections 2020

Congratulations to Bettws Community Councillor, Chris Lloyd, on being elected Chair of the Garw Valley Community Council for the remainder of 2020/21. In addition, congratulations to Pontycymer Community Councillor, Heather Griffiths, on being elected Vice-Chair for the remainder of 2020/21.

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Grass Maintenance Schedule

It’s good to see that our grass cutting schedule in Bettws and Blaengarw has continued throughout the pandemic.  

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New Bike Rack Parc Calon Lan

It’s great to see that the new bike rack has been installed next to the Visitor Centre in Parc Calon Lan.    If you’re using the car park please leave enough room next to the rack so that users can access it easily.

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