New Bike Rack Parc Calon Lan

It’s great to see that the new bike rack has been installed next to the Visitor Centre in Parc Calon Lan.    If you’re using the car park please leave enough room next to the rack so that users can access it easily.

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Visitor Centre PC Lan – Closed Over the Summer Period

Unfortunately this year the Visitor Centre will not be open during the weekends over the July/August 2020 period.

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Environmental Maintenance

Despite the current situation in Wales the Community Council’s work continues and this includes grass cutting.   Yesterday the grass was cut in Blaengarw enabling you to enjoy this area as part of your local daily exercise.

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Community Skip Success

Last week the 4 Community Councillors in the Bettws Ward responded to the need for community skips to support BCBC’s waste management in the ward.  This was a great success, with almost 10 tonne of waste removed.  

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Funding Success

Once again this year the Community Council submitted a match funding application to BCBC’s Town and Community Council Fund to carry out a scheme of works to improve the exterior of Bettws Life Centre. We’re pleased that our application has been successful and work will begin as soon as possible in the current climate.  We […]

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All Community Council Meetings are Cancelled until Further Notice

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Closure of Parks and Playing Fields/Parc Calon Lan

BCBC has closed all parks and playgrounds in the county borough and some car parks following government advice around social distancing. It comes after crowds gathered during the weekend at local beaches and parks. It is vital that we heed government advice to stay at home where possible and adopt social distancing measures. From tonight […]

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Daffodil and Planter Displays

We hope you’re enjoying the additional daffodils we planted in all 4 wards this year and the spring flowers in the 3 tier planters in Shwt, Bettws and Lluest.

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Garw Valley Community Award 2019

Thank you for your nominations, however due to the fact the Community Council could not hold its April meeting, we will announce the winners as soon as we are able to meet and consider the nominations.  Thank you for your patience. The Community Council are running their annual Community Awards again this year and nominations […]

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